Флоттронг Ларс

Партнер «Шнайдер Груп»

Меня зовут Ларс Флоттронг, окончил МГИМО в 1995, 14 работал CFO в международных компаниях, последние 12 лет Партнёр в консалтинговой компании ШНАЙДЕР ГРУП.
Proven success track record in Strategic Vision & Business Development, Finance, Business Transformation, Innovation & Digitalization, Risk Management, Compliance, Operations, Strategic Sourcing, Business Process Re-Engineering and Implementation of Sustaining Business Processes - B2B, B2C in Food, Chemicals, Automotive, Fashion, Renewal Energy, Services • Strong experience in market entry and market development strategy – more than 50 successful market entry & business development projects in different business sectors, full responsibility for strategic, operational and financial management of matrix organizations with both trading and production: Fashion, Automotive, Chemical, IT; • Expert in strategic business planning and development; • Realized 15 successful projects in the area of business process re-engineering, implementing and sustaining new businesses to ensure that business goals are met; • Business driver and facilitator, Business Partner with customer focus; • Fully re-designed existing and implemented new supply chain systems for production and trading operations with annual savings of more than USD 5m; • Expert in the area of risk management: integrated risk management into the decision taking processes, re-engineered credit management to boost cash flow and reduced bad debts to zero; • Leader in innovation and digital transformation – customer demand and market needs analysis, initialization of strategic digitalization processes, development of strategic architecture and implementation road maps, consulting and solution search, pitching and start-up pilot project implementation; • Lead and Management of own digital product development and implementation incl. go-to-market- development & growth strategy; • Team Leader with strong motivation and spirit development skills, supporting creativity; • Business – Business Angel and start-up consultant, participation in different accelerators.

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123100, Москва, Пресненская набережная, дом 12, Башня Федерация

ООО «Стратегии устойчивого развития»
ИНН 7453238685 ОГРН 1127453000290

Мы работаем по всей территории РФ и в сопредельных государствах.



123100, Москва, Пресненская набережная, дом 12, Башня Федерация

ООО «Стратегии устойчивого развития»
ИНН 7453238685 ОГРН 1127453000290

Мы работаем по всей территории РФ и в сопредельных государствах.